Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Introducing me

Have you ever had something you would like to try? Like something different? Like something you supposed you hadn't any time to do it, but you still can find some?
That's what I'm pourposing to myself as a new year's resolution. Writing is something I enjoy to do, something that allows me to be free. So I'm starting this blog to publish some texts I often write. Also I'm publishing some articles about current topics nowadays. I don't have any target readers, this blog is to everybody whom it may concern.
I just noticed I haven't really introduced myself. Where should I begin? Well I'm Sara and so you know. Maybe through the texts in the blog there may be a lot of english mistakes, and I guess it's normal to happen because I'm from Portugal and I'm still learning English as a second language. Also, this blog can help me writing better English and have a good score in my English FCE exam that I'm doing this year.
So I have this little invitation to you: will you be my reader? 


  1. Welcome back to the blogging world, my dear! :))

    I love reading your posts! Love ya!

  2. awwwwwesome :D ehhh um dia ainda vais ser grande escritora e depois as coisas palermas que me escrevias nos cadernos ainda vao valer um dinheirinho uhhhh uhh x)

  3. É bom ter-te de volta ^^,

    Eu também vou fazer exame a inglês ...^^,

    e também vou arranjar uma solução tão boa coma a tua =P

    Ps: Rita acho o mesmo que tu ...=P

  4. many of us will have new adventures and go through changes in life:)

  5. thumbs up, gostei.
    eu fazia melhor, ofc kkkk

  6. I have many thing I would like to try but I have no confidence, I'm not brave and I'm scared alot of things... But this year will be different! I hope so :D

  7. i'll be watching this :D

  8. Bem vinda :)

    Reparei que comentaste num blogue de moda.. se gostas deste tema passa por Miss Tangerine, acho que vais gostar!

  9. gosto :) boaaa sorte cm a continuação do blog :)

  10. Acho que ainda não te tinha dito: Bem vinda (;

  11. Admiro imenso a tua capacidade de escrita em relação à língua Inglesa. Eu sou daquelas pessoas que é capaz de ler um texto em Inglês e saber o que leu mesmo sem saber o significado de algumas palavras.
    É bom que haja blogs como o teu mesmo para quem tem "mais dificuldades" com a língua inglesa.
    Beijinhos *
